No. 2.
Joint Resolution to provide for the appointment of a com-
mission of the General Assembly of Maryland to confer
with a like commission appointed by the State of Penn-
sylvania for the purpose of taking into consideration the
passage of laws for the propagation and protection of food
fish in the waters of the Susquehanna River and the trib-
utaries thereof.
WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has, by a
Joint Resolution of its Senate and House of Representatives,
appointed a commission to confer with the General Assembly
of the State of Maryland and to ask the said General Assem-
bly of Maryland to appoint a commission to confer with the
said commission appointed on the part of the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania to take into consideration the propa-
gation and protection of the food fish in the Susquehanna
river, a river flowing through the territory of the said two
States, and to report to the General Assembly of the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania at the next sitting of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and to the
General Assembly of Maryland at its present session and
recommend such laws as in their judgment may best serve
the interests of the said two States for the propagation and
protection of food fish in the waters of the Susquehanna
rive and its tributaries ; now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a commission to consist of three members on the part of the
Senate and five members on the part of the House of Dele-
gates, of which commission the preceding officers of the two
houses shall also be ex officio members, who, in connection with
the two fish commissioners of the State of Maryland, shall
be constituted a commission to confer with the commission
already appointed on the part of the Commonwealth of Penn-
sylvania and report to the Legislatures of the .respective
States such laws as in their judgment would be proper to be
enacted by the said two States tp protect the interests of the
said two States in the propagation and preservation of the
food fishes in the waters of the Susquehanna river.
And be it enacted, That this Joint Resolution shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 12, 1906.