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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1399   View pdf image (33K)
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authorize the Board of Estimates, in its discretion, to
grant, in certain events, to said company, the franchise or
right of using said roads for its corporate purpose in per-
petuity, and to modify in certain respects, in relation to
said roads, the present powers of the Board of Estimates
in/the matter of fixing the compensation for franchises or
rights in public property.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-

CHAP. 821

land, That in the event that the existing street railway fran-
chises, easements, interests or rights of the United Railways
and Electric Company of Baltimore in any of the roads
within the limits of that part of Baltimore city known as the
Annex, as to which roads the said street railway company is
not legally liable to the payment of the park tax hereinafter
mentioned, or in any part or parts of said roads or any
of them, shall, in any manner, be acquired by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, pursuant to the authority
conferred upon by Chapter 274 of the Acts of General
Assembly of Maryland for the year 1904 and ordinance
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, No. 216,
approved March 11, 1905, or by any other laws or ordi-
nances relating to the powers and duties of the commis-
sioners for opening streets under said Act, and application
or applications shall afterwards be made by the United
Railways and Electric Company of Baltimore to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, subject to the provisions of
Sections 7-12, both inclusive, and Section 37 of Article 4,
entitled "City of Baltimore," of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, for the franchise or right to use the beds
of said roads, or any of them, for its railway lines, and the
ordinance or ordinances, making said application or appli-
cations, shall be duly passed by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, then, with the consent of the board of esti-
mates, expressed in said ordinance or ordinances, the park
tax of nine per centum upon the gross receipts of passenger
street railway companies in the city of Baltimore, now pre-
scribed and regulated by Sections 797-800, both inclusive, of

Park tax

Article 4, entitled "City of Baltimore," of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, shall, as to the bed or beds of the
public highway or highways, covered by said ordinance or
ordinances, and for the period of eleven years, accounting

Manner of
paying park

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1399   View pdf image (33K)
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