CHAP. 820
and effects of the Acts of 1892, Chapter 109, as amended by
Acts of 1904, Chapter 101, in reference to the stockholders'
liability of such companies.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said body corporate shall
Capital stock
have the right from time to time to increase its capital stock
up to twenty-five thousand shares, of the par value of twenty-
five dollars each, provided the holders of two-thirds of the
stock then issued vote in favor of such increase ; be it fur-
ther enacted, that the provisions of this Article are subject,
however, to the legal operation and effect of the Acts of 1892,
Chapter 109, as amended by Acts of 1904, Chapter 101, in
reference to the stockholders' liability of such companies.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the directors of said body
corporate shall have the power to declare such dividends of
the profits of said body corporate as they may deem proper ;
provided, that no dividend shall be declared when the capital
stock would be impaired thereby.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That whenever any deposit shall
Deposits of
minors or
be made by a minor or married woman, such deposit shall
be received or held and paid out on precisely the same terms
and conditions as those of adult male or adult unmarried
female depositors ; and the check, receipt or acquittance of
such minor or married woman shall be valid and binding on
them, any law in this State to contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1906.
(Duplicate of Chapter 566.)
AN ACT to modify, with the consent of the Board of Esti-
mates, for a period of years, the park tax, that may in
certain events become payable by the United Railways and
Electric Company of Baltimore upon the gross receipts
that may in certain events be derived by it from the use
by it for its corporate purposes of certain roads, proposed
to be acquired and opened as public highways by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in the Annex ; to