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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1394   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 818

dollars der day, four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per
diem of one postmaster of the Senate, at five dollars per day,
four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per diem of one mes-
senger to the printer and mail carrier, at two dollars and fifty
cents per day, two hundred and twenty-five dollars ; for the per
diem of one chaplain of the Senate, at five dollars per day,
four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per diem of the speaker
of the House of Delegates, at eight dollars per day, seven
hundred and twenty dollars ; for the per diem of one hundred
other members of the House of Delegates, at five dollars
each per day, forty-five thousand dollars ; for the per diem
of one chief clerk of the House of Delegates, at ten dollars
per day, nine hundred dollars ; for the per diem of one read-
ing clerk of the House of Delegates, at ten dollars per day,
nine hundred dollars ; for the per diem of one journal clerk
of the House of Delegates, at ten dollars per day, nine hun-
dred dollars ; for the per diem of one sergeant-at-arms of
the House of Delegates, at five dollars per day, four hundred
and fifty dollars ; for the per diem of one doorkeeper of the
House of Delegates, at five dollars per day, four hundred and
fifty dollars ; for the per diem of two assistant doorkeepers of
the House of Delegates, at five dollars each per day, nine hun-
dred dollars ; for the per diem of one engrossing clerk of the
House of Delegates, at seven dollars per day, six hundred
and thirty dollars ; for the per diem of one clerk of the com-
mittee on claims, at seven dollars per day, six hundred and
thirty dollars ; for the per diem of six committee clerks of
the House of Delegates, at five dollars each per day, two
thousand seven hundred dollars ; for the per diem of three
folders of the House of Delegates, at five dollars each per
day, thirteen hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per diem of
two pages of the House of Delegates, at five dollars each per
day, nine hundred dollars ; for the per diem of one janitor
of the House of Delegates, at five dollars per day, four
hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per diem of one post-
master to the House of Delegates, at five dollars per day,
four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per diem of one
messenger to the printer and mail carrier, at five dollars per
day, four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the salaries of three
chaplains of the House of Delegates, one hundred and fifty
dollars each, four hundred and fifty dollars ; and for the
above expenses of the Legislature the sum of one hundred

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1394   View pdf image (33K)
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