CHAP. 795
of advertising and fees, the clerk and treasurer will proceed
at a specified hour on said second Monday in April, at a
specified place in said town, to offer each any every of said
parcels of land and premises for sale to the highest bidder
for cash, which said list and notice shall be published in the
official journal of the town, or in some newspaper published
in Montgomery county for three successive weeks prior to
the second Monday in February; and on said second Mon-
day in April the said clerk and treasurer shall at the hour
and place named in said advertisement proceed to sell any
and all such pieces and parcels of land and premises,
beginning with the first piece or parcel on said list, and so
on in order upon whicn taxes, interest, costs and fees shall
not then have been paid, and shall continue such sale each
secular day, legal holidays excepted, beginning at the hour
specified in the advertisement for the first day of the sale,
until every piece or parcel shall have been offered.
SEC. 16 C. And be it enacted, That the real estate of a
Real estate
may be sold
to pay town
delinquent taxpayer may be sold to pay town taxes, whether
there be personal property of his liable for sale or not; when-
ever it shall be unnecessary for the clerk and treasurer to sell
the entire real property with which a delinquent taxpayer is
assessed, he shall estimate the quantity thereof which in his
judgment will be sufficient to pay the taxes in arrear, interest,
costs and expenses as herein set forth, and shall require, and
he is hereby given authority to so require, the county sur-
veyor to lay off and make a plat and description of the same,
and the part so laid off shall be sold by the plat and descrip-
tion so made; and it shall be sufficient in the advertisement
of the list of delinquent taxpayers to designate the quantity
of land to be sold from the property described as per plat
and description to be exhibited at the time of the sale; and
in case of sale the clerk and treasurer shall file said plat and
description with his report of sale, and the county surveyor
is hereby required to make all plats and descriptions required
hereunder and to complete and deliver the same to the clerk