CHAP. 789
board of County Commissioners may determine, provided
they do not amount in the aggregate to less than ten thou-
sand dollars and do not exceed in the aggregate twenty-five
thousand dollars, and that the said bonds shall bear interest
at a rate not exceeding four and one-half per centum per
annum; said interest to accrue from the date thereof and to
be payable semi-annually on the first day of January and
the first day of July of each and every year until maturity.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bonds shall be
numbered in consecutive order as issued, and that the whole
Bonds to be
or any part of the said bonds may be issued on the first day
of any July, or the first day of any January within two
years after the passage of this Act, which the board of
County Commissioners may by resolution select; and the
said bonds shall mature as follows: One thousand dollars
thereof in the year 1931, and annually thereafter the sum of
one thousand dollars until all of said bonds so issued shall
be matured and shall have been paid; and should any of the
said bonds so issued be redeemed before or at maturity it
Maturity of
shall be the duty of the County Commissioners to imme-
diately cancel the same, and should the said County Com-
missioners, or any person having charge of the bonds or
coupons, suffer the same or any part thereof to be reissued
after payment, the party or parties so offending shall be
deemed guilty of a crime, and on conviction thereof shall be
liable to the same, as is provided in Section 72 of Article
27 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland for
embezzlement, and shall in addition be held liable for an
amount equal to that of the coupon bond reissued and the
costs of the suit.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the County Commisioners
Tax to be
of Worcester county shall annually levy, the year preceding,
at the regular levy, upon the assessable property of said
county, a tax sufficient to pay the interest due on such bonds
as shall be issued under the provisions of this Act; and in
the year nineteen hundred and thirty they shall levy the sum
of one thousand dollars to meet and pay the first maturing
bonds in nineteen hundred and thirty-one, and thereafter one
thousand dollars each year to meet and pay the bonds as
they shall become due; said taxes to be collected as other,
taxes are collected; and the said bonds shall be exempt from
all county and municipal taxation; and coupons for interest
thereon shall be received in payment of county taxes.