thereof of more than five thousand dollars in any one year,
but none of said bonds shall be issued to mature before the
first day of August, 1909.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That in order to pay the interest
CHAP. 788
on said bonds the County Commissioners shall, annually,
beginning with their levy-laying session in 1907, levy on the
assessable property of the county a sufficient amount to pay
said interest until said bonds shall respectively mature; and
for the payment of said bonds they shall, beginning with the
year 1909, levy on the assessable property of said company
the sum of five thousand dollars to pay said bonds, which
shall be paid in the order of their several numbers, begin-
ning with serial No. 1, and their successive order.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That of the whole issue of said
Levy to be
bonds authorized, or so much as may be necessary, the said
County Commissioners shall immediately after signing said
bonds, as hereinbefore provided, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, which said sale of said bonds shall
be made upon due notice by publication in such newspaper
or newspapers as the said County Commissioners shall deem
proper and necessary.
Bonds to be
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the proceeds arising from
the sale of said bonds shall be supplied by the County Com-
missioners of said county for the purchase of such lots and
the erection and furnishing of a new court house at Oakland,
the county seat of said county, and for no other purpose ;
and for the building and furnishing of said court house.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the judges of the Circuit
How proceeds
of sale shall
be applied.
Court for Garrett county, the board of County Commissioners
of Garrett county and five other citizens and taxpayers of
Garrett county, to be selected and named by the judges of
the Circuit Court for Garrett county, be and they are hereby
appointed commissioners, and they, or a majority of them,
are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, to employ a
competent architect at a reasonable compensation and to con-
tract for and superintend the building of a courthouse, jury
room and library, and all the necessary offices for the accom-
modation of Circuit Court and Orphans' Court, county boards
and officers, upon the ground already acquired and to be
acquired in the town of Oakland, in Garrett county; for the
erection of pu.blic building for Garrett county, and the furnish-
ing of said courthouse and offices, when so constructed, with