CHAP. 784
Various gifts,
(C) To the legacy of $5000 to the Western Maryland
College of Westminster, Carroll county, Maryland.
(D) To the legacy of $2,000 to the vestry of Ascension
Protestant Church of Westminster, Carroll county, Maryland.
(E) To the legacy of $5,000 to the Maryland Bible
Society of Baltimore city.
(F) To the legacy of $5,000 to the Maryland Tract
Society of Baltimore city.
(G) To the legacy of $5,000 to the Board of Foreign
Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States
of America.
(H) To the legacy of $5,000, to the Board of Home Mis-
sions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, of
(I) To the devise and bequest to the bishop of the Prot-
estant Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, and his successors in
office, and to the Presbytery of Baltimore, Maryland, respec-
tively, subject to the conditions and provisions, and for the
purposes particularly set forth in said will, of the Mansion
House and fifteen acres in Westminster, Carroll county,
Maryland, and the sum of $10,000.
(J) To the legacy of $5,000, to the Church Home and
Infirmary of the City of Baltimore.
(K) To the devise and bequest and residue of said testa-
trix's estate as set forth in said will, to the Domestic and
Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal
Church of the United States of America and the Board of
Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States of America.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1906.