CHAP 711
said engineer, if he be a biologist, who shall, in that event,
establish one or more stations for said investigation of oyster
propagation. All salaries, outlays and disbursements author-
ized by this Act shall be paid out of the general treasury of
the State of Maryland upon requisitions made by the Board
of Shell Fish Commissioners, endorsed by the Comptroller,
of the State, but the same shall be repaid out of the first
revenues arising from the leasing of land for oyster culture
contemplated by this Act. The commissioners composing
said board shall, immediately after their appointment, file in
Bond to be
the office of the clerk of the Court of Appeals separate
bonds, with a surety or sureties to be approved by the State
Treasurer, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned
for the faithful performance of the duties imposed by this
Act. The said commissioners shall take and subscribe
before the Governor of the State an official oath prescribed
by the Constitution. The said commissioners shall have an
office in the city of Annapolis.
Section 85. The commissioners shall keep, at its office in
Books of
record to be
the city of Annapolis, books of record, in which shall be
recorded all leases, assignments and other conveyances of
land to be used for the planting or cultivation of oysters in
accordance with this Act. A set of clear and simple forms,
for all subsequent conveyances of any kind, shall be pre-
pared by the board, with the, advice- of the Attorney General,
and no title shall be vested in any lessee or transferee of any
interest or estate acquired under this Act until the convey-
ance or conveyances evidencing such leases or transfers shall
have been recorded in the office of the Board of Shell Fish
Section 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall,
as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to
Survey of the
oyster beds,
bars and
rocks to be
be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster
beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made
with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore,
giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set
out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required.
A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made
on copies of published maps and charts of the United States
coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed
in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annap-
olis; and the said commissioners shall further cause to be