the use by the said company of such public highways as are
contained in the aforegoing territorial limits lying in Balti-
more city sh'all be with the consent and under such regula-
tions as to construction, maintenance and repair, and on
such terms as to compensation to the said city of Baltimore
or the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore city, as shall
be prescribed by the said Mayor and City Council or their
agents having control of the public highways.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That an additional section be
added to the said Chapter 229 of the Acts of the General
New section
Assembly of Maryland, in the year 1904, entitled, "An Act
to incorporate the Roland Park Electric and Water Com-
pany," to be known as Section 4 B.
Section 4 B. And be it enacted. That within the following:
territorial limits in Baltimore county and Baltimore city (and
May furnish
and sell
heat, hot
water, hot
and cold air,
and ice for
not outside of said limits), that is to say: Beginning for the
same at the intersection of the eastern outline of the right of
way of the Northern Central Railway with the northern cor-
porate limits of Baltimore city, and running thence east-
wardly binding on said northern corporate limits to the east
side of Roland avenue; thence southerly along the east side
of Roland avenue, as said Roland avenue is laid out and
constructed in said Baltimore county and in Baltimore city,
to the north side of Fourth avenue; thence eastwardly along
the north side of Fourth avenue to Cedar avenue; thence by
a straight line due east to the east side of Charles street
avenue; thence northwardly bounding on the east side of
Charles street avenue to the north side of Lake avenue ;
thence westwardly bounding on the north side of Lake
avenue to the west side of the Falls turnpike road; thence
southwardly on the west side of the Falls turnpike road to
the north side of Belvedere avenue; thence westwardly on
the north side of Belvedere avenue to the eastern outline of
the right of way of the Northern Central Railway; thence
south wardly on said eastern outline to the place of beginning,
the said Roland Park Electric and Water Company shall
have full power and authority to manufacture, buy, furnish,
distribute, supply, sell or otherwise dispose of heat, hot