CHAP. 708
AN ACT to repeal Section 4 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, in the year 1904, Chapter 229,
entitled "An Act to incorporate the Roland Park Electric
and Water Company," and to re-enact the said Section 4
with amendments, and to add an additional section to the
said Chapter 229, to be known as Section 4 B, adding to
the purposes for which the said corporation was formed, by
granting it power and authority to manufacture and supply
heat, hot water, steam, hot and cold air, refrigeration
and ice.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 4, Chapter 229 of the Acts of the Gen-
Repeal and
eral Assembly of Maryland, in the year 1904, entitled "An
Act to incorporate the Roland Park Electric and Water
Company," be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows :
Section 4. And be it enacted, That within the following
territorial limits in Baltimore county and Baltimore city,
Boundaries of
territory of
and not outside of said limits, except as hereinafter pro-
vided, that is to say: Beginning for the same at the
intersection of the eastern outline of the right of way of
the Northern Central Railway with a line drawn parallel
with the northern corporate limits of Baltimore city, and
one hundred feet northwardly from said northern corporate
limits, and running thence eastwardly parallel with the north-
ern corporate limits of Baltimore city, and one hundred feet
northwardly therefrom, to intersect the east side of Roland
avenue, as laid out and constructed in Baltimore county ;
thence southerly along the east side of Roland avenue to the
northern corporate limits of Baltimore city; thence east-
wardly along said northern corporate limits of Baltimore
city to intersect a line drawn parallel with Charles street
avenue and one hundred feet westerly from the west side of
Charles street avenue; thence northwardly parallel with
Charles street avenue and one hundred feet westwardly from
the west side of Charles street avenue to the center of Bel-
vedere avenue; thence westwardly on the center line of Bel-
vedere avenue to the eastern outline of the right of way of