1907, and to regulate the terms and conditions upon which
the sale thereof may be made in case a majority of voters
of said county shall determine the said question in the
affirmative, and to regulate the sale thereof from and after
the passage of this Act until the said 30th day of April,
1907, by the repeal of Chapter 623 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1902, entitled " An Act
to regulate the sale of spirituous and fermented liquors in
Charles County," and to repeal Sections 55 to 89, inclusive,
of Article 56 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
" License," sub-title " Spirituous and Fermented Liquors
by Retailers," so far as the same apply to Charles County,
and to add certain sections to Article 9 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title " Charles County," sub-title
"Spirituous and Fermented Liquors," to be numbered
Sections 195 and 196, and to substitute in lieu thereof
three new sections, to constitute a new sub-title designated
"Intoxicating Liquors," the said sections to be known as
116 A, 116 B and 116 C.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
CHAP. 707
land, That the question whether or not any person or per-
sons, corporation, company or association shall be allowed
to sell, directly or indirectly, any intoxicating liquors of
whatever origin in Charles county, after the 30th day of
April, 1907, (and any liquors within the meaning of this Act
shall be regarded as intoxicating which shall contain more
than two per cent, of alcohol) shall be submitted to the
registered and qualified voters of said county in a special
election to be held on the fourth Tuesday in April in the
year 1906, of which not less than two weeks' notice shall be
given by the supervisors of election in a newspaper or news-
papers published in Charles county; the said supervisors of
election shall deliver to one of the judges for each election
district to be named as hereinafter set forth the registration
books of the county for use at the said election, in the
manner as now used at other elections. At said election
each legally qualified voter of Charles county, as determined
by the registration books as of that time shall be entitled to
to the
and qualified
voters of
said county.