CHAP. 570
by him; and shall said treasurer find it necessary for his
convenience at any time to appoint a deputy, he shall pay
said deputy out of his commissions; and he shall be
answerable for the acts of such deputy; and the County Com-
missioners shall at the time of making the annual levy, levy
a sufficient sum, by estimate, to cover the discount allowed
the taxpayers and compensation to the treasurer provided
for in the preceding sections.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from and after the third Tuesday of April, 1908.
Approved April 5, 1906.
AN ACT to regulate the practice of Pharmacy in Talbot
County, in the State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land. That no person on or after the first day of July fol-
Who are
permitted to
conduct or
keep a
lowing the passage of this Act shall open, conduct or keep
a pharmacy in Talbot county, either as a principal or agent,
unless such person shall have obtained a pharmacist's cer-
tificate from the Maryland Board of Pharmacy; and no
pharmacy shall at any time be left in charge of any person
who is not a certified pharmacist, a certified acting pharma-
cist or a certified assistant pharmacist, to compound pre-
scriptions or sell or dispense poisonous drugs. It shall,
however, be lawful for physicians and dentists to compound
and dispense their own prescriptions, but unlawful for any
person, dealer or firm, not a certified pharmacist, a certified
acting pharmacist or certified- assistant pharmacist, to com-
pound a physician's prescription. Any person violating this
section shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of misde-
meanor and fined not more than one hundred dollars for
each offense.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That every store or shop
where drugs, medicines or chemicals are sold at retail, dis-
What to be
considered a
play for sale at retail, where physicians' prescriptions are
compounded, which has upon it or in it as a sign, the words
"Pharmacist," "Pharmacy," "Apothecary," "Drugstore,"
"Druggist," or any of these words or exhibits, the char-
acteristic show bottles or globes filled with colored liquids,
shall be considered a pharmacy within the meaning of this