"Millington," as amended by Chapter 233 of the Acts of
1898, and to add new sections thereto, to be designated as
Sections 160 A, 160 B, 160 e, 164 A and 164 B.
CHAP. 95
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 154, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161 and' 162 of
Article 15 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Kent County," sub-title "Millington," as amended by
Chapter 233 of the Acts of 1898, be and the same are here-
by repealed and re-enacted to read as follows, and to add the
following new sections thereto, and to be designated as Sec-
tions 160 A, 160 B, 160 C, 164 A, 164 B, to read as follows:
Section 154. And be it enacted, That there shall be three
Repeal and
commissioners for Millington, all of whom shall be tax-
payers upon real or personal property situate in said town,
and at least twenty-one years of age, who shall be elected
for a term of three years, and who shall serve without com-
pensation; the first election for commissioners under this
Act shall take place on the second Saturday in March, 1906,
immediately after said commissioners shall be assembled in
consequence of the first election; they shall be divided by
lot into three classes; the seat of the commissioner of the
first class shall be vacated at the expiration of one year, of
the second class at the expiration of two years, and of
the third class at the expiration of three years from said
first election, so that thereafter one commissioner shall be
elected every year.
Section 155. And be it enacted, That the male citizens resid-
ing within the corporate limits of the town of Millington, in
Three com-
Kent and Queen Anne's counties, Maryland, who have been
bona fide residents of said town for one year next preceding
any election held under and by authority of this Act, and who
shall be over twenty-one years of age, shall, on the second
Saturday of March in each year, at some suitable place
selected by said commissioners, in said town, between the
hours of 2 P. M. and 5 P. M., except the election to be held
in March, 1906, when three commissioners are to be elected,
as provided in the preceding section, elect by ballot one
suitable person resident of said town as commissioner of said
town to serve for three years. The commissioners shall give
at least ten days' notice of said election, and any justice of
the peace selected by the commissioners may preside thereat ;
Election to be