now has in Baltimore county, and in said county to manu-
facture, buy and sell or otherwise deal in any machinery,
apparatus or appliances used or to be used in making, trans-
mission or use of gas for any purpose whatever.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1906.
AN ACT to extend the privileges, enlarge the powers and
amend and ratify the charter of " The Ocean City Pier
and Improvement Company of Ocean City, Maryland,"
and to ratify, make valid and confirm all operations and
acts heretofore undertaken or done and performed by or
in the name of said "Ocean City Pier and Improvement
Company of Ocean City, Maryland."
WHEREAS, "The Ocean City Pier and Improvement Com-
CHAP. 554
pany of Ocean City, Maryland," was duty incorporated on
the 30th day of May, in the year 1905, under the provisions
of the general laws of the State relating to the creation and
regulation of incorporated companies in the State of Mary-
land, with a capital stock of twenty-five thousand dollars,
divided into five hundred shares of the par value of fifty
dollars each, as will appear by certificate duly recorded
among the incorporation records of Worcester county, Mary-
land, in Incorporation Record F. H. P. No. 2, folio 92 et
seq., and is now desirous of extending the privileges and
enlarging the powers of the said corporation and of ratify-
ing, making valid and confirming all operations and acts
heretofore undertaken and performed by or in the name of
said " Ocean City Pier and Improvement Company of Ocean
City, Maryland,"
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Genial Assembly of Mary-
land, That the charter of " The Ocean City Pier and Improve-
ment Company of Ocean City, Maryland," as it appears by
its certificate of incorporation recorded among the incorpo-
ration records of said Worcester county, in Incorporation
Record F. H. P. No. 2, folio 92 et seq., be and the same is
hereby ratified and confirmed, and the shareholders thereof