For valuable assistance rendered in the preparation of this volume,
the Maryland State Planning Commission and the Department of
Geology, Mines and Water Resources, formerly the Maryland Geologi-
cal Survey, are deeply indebted to its Advisory Joint Committee com-
prised of William S. Hamill, Director of the Maryland Development
Bureau of the Baltimore Association of Commerce; Edward Bennett
Mathews, Director of the Department of Geology, Mines and Water
Resources; and I. Alvin Pasarew, Director of the Maryland State
Planning Commission; and also to Charles T. Berry, of the Johns
Hopkins University, who gave generously of his time and effort in the
preparation of the manuscript.
The Advisory Joint Committee is grateful to Horace E. Flack,
Director of the Department of Legislative Reference; Francis D.
Friedlein, former Executive Secretary of the Maryland State Planning
Commission; William F. Childs, Jr., Director of the Traffic Division
of the State Roads Commission; Gerald L. V. Lund, State Department
of Budget and Procurement; William G. Smith, Western Union Com-
pany; R. W. Kanzler, Postal Telegraph; J. H. Leonard, Chesapeake
and Potomac Telephone Company; and Nathan N. Paskoff, Supervisor
of the Work Projects Administration's personnel, for their unstinted
services and cooperation in making possible this painstaking research.
For the excellent clerical and research personnel made available
by the Work Projects Administration, the Maryland State Planning
Comission and the Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources
are especially indebted.