Deep Creek: (creek) in Harford County;
branch of Broad Creek, mouth (2 1/2) miles
east of Prospect.
(N. 39°41' W. 76°15') BEL
Deep Creek: (creek) in Howard County;
branch of Deep Run, rising (2 1/2) miles
southeast of Columbia.
(N. 39°14' W. 76°48') LAU
Deep Creek: (creek) in St. Mary's County;
branch of Chesapeake Bay, mouth (1 1/2)
miles east of Scotland.
(N. 38°05' W. 76°20') POI
Deep Creek: (creek) in St. Mary's County;
branch of St. Clement Bay, mouth (1 1/4)
miles east of Oakley.
(N. 38°16' W. 76°43') WIC
Deep Creek Lake: (lake) in Garrett County;
inlet of Deep Creek, partly in McHenry,
Thayerville and Swallow Falls; elev. (2,427);
U. S. 219.
(N. 39°30' W. 79°18') ACC
Deep Ditch Branch: (branch) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of Little Round Bay Creek,
mouth (1 1/4) miles northeast of Crowns-
(N. 39°02' W. 76°35') REL
Deep Landing: (landing) in Calvert County;
on Patuxent River, (3) miles southwest of
(N. 38°36' W. 76°40') PRI.F.
Deep Landing: (village) in Calvert County; on
Patuxent River, (3) miles southwest of
Huntingtown; elev. 10.
(N. 38°36' W. 76°40') PRI.F.
Deep Landing: (landing) in Kent County; on
East shore of Swan Creek, (1/4) mile
north of Gratitude.
(N. 39°09' W. 76°16') ' N.P.
Deep Landing: (landing) in Queen Anne's
County; see Deer Landing.
Deep Landing: in Worcester County.
Deep Neck: (neck) in Talbot County; bounded
by Edge Creek, Broad Creek and Irish Creek.
(N. 38°43' W. 76°13') OXF
Deep Neck Point: (point) in Talbot County;
on east shore of Broad Creek, (3 1/2) miles
northwest of Bellevue.
(N. 38°44' W. 76°14') OXF
Deep Point: (point) in Charles County; on
east shore Potomac River, (3) miles south-
west of Indian Head (village).
(N. 38°34' W. 77°13') NANJ
Deep Point: (point) in Charles County; on
east shore Port Tobacco River, (2 3/4) miles
west of Bel Alton.
(N. 38°28' W. 77°02') NANJ
Deep Point: (point) in Kent County; pro-
jecting into Chester River, at mouth of
Comegy Bight.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°07') CHE
Deep Point: (point) in Queen Anne's County;
on east shore of Chester River, (1) mile
southwest of Rolphs.
(N. 39°10' W. 76°03') CHE
Deep Point: (point) in St. Mary's County;
projecting into Chesapeake Bay, (2) miles
northeast of Scotland.
(N. 38°07' W. 76°21') POI
Deep Run: (run) in Anne Arundel and How-
ard Counties; branch of Patapsco River,
forming part of boundary between Howard
and Anne Arundel Counties, mouth (3/4) mile
southeast of Elkridge.
(N. 39°13' W. 76°42') REL
Deep Run: (run) in Baltimore County; branch
of Jones Falls, mouth (2 1/4) miles southwest
of Lutherville.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°40') BAL
Deep Run: (run) in Carroll County; branch
of Big Pipe Creek, mouth (3/4) mile east of
Union Mills.
(N. 39°40' W. 77°01') TAN
Deep Run: (run) in Carroll County; branch
of North Branch Patapsco River, mouth
(1 1/4 ) miles southeast of Patapsco.
(N. 39° 32' W. 76° 53') WES
Deep Run: (village) in Carroll County; (2 1/4)
miles northeast of Union Mills; elev. 630;
pop. (26).
(N. 39°41' W. 77°00') WES
Deep Run: in Harford County.
Deepwater Point: (point) in Talbot County;
on west shore Miles River, (1 1/2) miles
northeast of St. Michaels.
(N. 38°48' W. 76°13') ST.M.
Deer Creek: (creek) in Harford County;
branch of Susquehanna River, mouth (1)
mile southeast of Stafford.
(N. 39°37' W. 76°09') HAV
Deer Creek: (village) in Harford County; (2)
miles northeast of Kalmia; elev. 375; pop.
(N. 39°37' W. 76°16') BEL
Deer Landing: (landing) in Queen Anne's
County; on south shore of Chester River,
(2) miles west of Crumpton.
(N. 39°14' W. 75°58') BAR
Deer Park: (town) in Garrett County; (4 1/2)
miles northeast of Oakland; incorporated;
elev. 2,450; pop. 329; P. O.; B. & O. R.R.;
Md. 38-41; Express Agency.
(N. 39°25' W. 79°20') OAK