Cove Point: (village) in Calvert County; (2 1/2)
miles southeast of Bertha; elev. 10; pop.
(33); Md. 497.
(N. 38°23' W. 76°24') D.P.
Cove Point: in Charles County.
Cove Point Lighthouse: (lighthouse) in Calvert
County; on Cove Point, Chesapeake Bay.
(N. 38°23' W. 76°23') D.P.
Cove Ridge: (ridge) in Washington County;
extending north from Hancock into Penn-
sylvania; elev. (760).
(N. 39°43' W. 78°11') HAN
Cove Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch of
Bear Creek, mouth (2) miles north of Acci-
(N. 39°40' W. 79°19') ACC
Covepoint: (village) in Calvert County; see
Cove Point (village).
Cover: (village) in Carroll County; (2 1/4) miles
southwest of Taylorsville; elev. 600; pop.
(N. 39°27' W. 77°08') MT.A.
Covey Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Trippe Bay, mouth (2) miles west
of Hills Point.
(N. 38°36' W. 76°16') SH.I.
Coveys: (village) in Talbot County; (2) miles
northeast of Cordova; elev. (60).
(N. 38°53' W. 75'58') DEN
Covington Cove: (cove) in Queen Anne's
County; inlet of Wye Narrows, (3) miles
southwest of Carmichael.
(N. 38°55' W. 76°08') ST.M.
Cow Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Nanticoke River, mouth (4) miles
southeast of Elliott.
(N. 38°16' W. 75°57') NANT
Cow Spring: (spring) in Frederick County,
(1 3/4) miles southeast of Middlepoirit; elev.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°30') HAG
Cowards: (village) in Caroline County; (1/2)
mile west of Griffin; elev. 20.
(N. 38°51' W. 75°55') DEN
Cowards Point: (point) in Caroline County;
on east shore of Tuckahoe Creek, (1/2 ) mile
southwest of Griffin.
(N. 38°51' W. 75°55') DEN
Cowen Run: (run) in Baltimore County; branch
of Gunpowder Falls, rising in Glenarm.
(N. 39°27' W. 76°30') BAL
Cowenton: (town) in Baltimore County; (1/2)
mile southeast of Whitemarsh; elev. 22; pop.
(316); B. & O. R.R.; Md. 7.
(N. 39°23' W. 76°26')
Cowentown: (town) in Baltimore County; see
Cowentown: (village) in Cecil County; (1 1/4)
miles south of Appleton; elev. 241; pop. (41) ;
Md. 316.
(N. 39°41' W. 75°49') ELK
Cowpens: (village) in Baltimore County.
Cox: (village) in Calvert County; (1 1/2) miles
southwest of Huntingtown; elev. 140; pop.
(40); Md. 521.
(N. 38°36' W. 76°38') PRI.F.
Cox Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of Patapsco River, rising (1) mile
east of Solley.
(N. 39°1Q' W. 76'32') REL
Cox Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of Tenthouse Creek, rising at Cum-
(N. 38°51' W. 76°33') OWE
Cox Creek: (creek) in Queen Anne's County;
branch of Eastern Bay, mouth (3) miles
southeast of Normans.
(N. 38°54' W. 76°19') ANN
Cox Island: (island) in Frederick County; in
Potomac River; (1 1/2) miles south of Licks-
ville; elev. (20).
(N. 39°14' W. 77°28') SEN
Cox Neck: (neck) in Queen Anne's County; on
Kent Island, between Cox Creek and Crab
Alley Creek.
(N. 38°57' W. 76°18') ANN
Cox Point: (point) in Baltimore County; on
northeast shore of Back River, (1 1/4) miles
southeast of Essex.
(N. 39°17' W. 76°28') GUN
Cox Station: (station) in Charles County;
Penna. R.R., see Bel Alton.
Coxe Creek: (creek) in Queen Anne's County;
see Cox Creek.
Coxe Neck: (neck) in Queen Anne's County;
see Cox Neck
Coxen's Mill: in Baltimore County.
Coxe's Creek: (creek) in Queen Anne's County;
see Cox Creek.
Coxe's Neck: (neck) in Queen Anne's County;
see Cox Neck.
Cox's: in Queen Anne's County.
Crab Alley Bay: (bay) in Queen Anne's
County; branch of Eastern Bay, lying be-
tween Cox Neck and Crab Alley Neck.
(N. 38°55' W. 76°17') ANN
Crab Alley Creek: (creek) in Queen Anne's
County; branch of Crab Alley Bay, mouth
(3) miles south of Chester.
(N. 38°56' W. 76°17') ANN