CHAP. 632.
Various gifts,
etc ,
folio 467, etc. ; in Liber J. B., No. 1201, folio 468; in Liber
J. B., No. 1356, folio 271, etc.; in Liber J. B., No. 1356,
folio 272, and in Liber R. O., No. 1876, folio 492, etc.
Twenty-Eighth. To the following leases and grants to the
Yestry of Saint Andrew's Church, in the city of Baltimore, of
the property on the easternmost side of High street, in said
city of Baltimore, mentioned and particularly described in the
following conveyances, viz. : A lease from Franklin Anderson
and Elizabeth Anderson, his wife, to the said Yestry of Saint
Andrew's Church in the city of Baltimore, dated May 17,
1839, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
county (now city), in Liber T. K., No. 289, folio 459, etc. ; a
lease from Annie Y. Yale, widow, to the said Yestry of Saint
Andrew's Church in the city of Baltimore, dated October 8,
1879, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
city, in Liber F. A. P., No. 851, folio 369, etc. ; a deed, and
grant from Archibald Stirling and Elizabeth Anderson to the
said Vestry of Saint Andrew's Church in the city of Balti-
more, dated December 7, 1869, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore city, in Liber G. R., No. 447, folio 419,
etc., and a deed from Emily J. Smith to the said Yestry of
Saint Andrew's Church in the city of Baltimore, dated August
30, 1886, and recorded among said Land Records, in Liber J.
B., No. n 08, folio 499, etc.
Twenty-Ninth. To the grant and conveyance from Wolff
Becker to the Trustees of the Kneeseth Israel Anshe S' phard
Congregation of Baltimore city, of the lot of ground, with
the improvements thereon, on the easternmost side of High
street, in the city of Baltimore, between Lombard and Watson
streets, formerly known as "Saint Andrew's Church," more
particularly described in a deed from the Yestry of Saint
Andrew's Church in the city of Baltimore to the said Wolff
Becker, dated February 20, 1902, and left to be recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore city on February 21,
Thirtieth. To the grant and assignment made by Schepschel
Schaffer, of Baltimore city, to "The Shearith Israel Congrega-
tion" of Baltimore city, of the lot of ground and property, on
the northeast side of McCulloh street in said city, more par-
ticularly described in a deed from said Schepschel Shaffer to
said Shearith Israel Congregation of Baltimore city, said deed
bearing date October 22, 1901, and of record among the Land
Records of Baltimore city, in Liber R. O. No. 1962, folio
339, etc.
Thirty-First. To the bequest of five hundred dollars to the
Westminster Presbyterian Congregation in the city of Balti-