CHAP. 612.
said respective boards, except those elected in the year nine-
teen hundred and two, shall serve for four years, or until his
successor is appointed and qualified. At their respective
annual meetings held in the year nineteen hundred and two,
each of said aforementioned societies shall elect the full number
of eight examiners for its respective board, of whom two shall
be elected for four years, two for three years, two for two years,
and two for one year, and thereafter two examiners shall be
elected by each society in each year, as hereinbefore provided,
to serve for a term of tour years or until their successors are
of office.
appointed and qualified, the outgoing members to be eligible
for re-election. The terms of office of all members so elected
shall begin on the first Tuesday in June, in the year in
which they shall be respectively elected ; each board is to
have the exclusive right to examine, pass upon the qualifica-
tions of and license its own applicants. The examiners shall
be physicians actually engaged in the practice of medicine or
surgery in the State of Maryland, and of recognized ability
and honor. No member of any medical college or university,
who passes upon the qualifications of graduates of any medical
school, shall be eligible to serve as a member of either of
said boards. In case of a vacancy occurring in either of said
boards, the board in which such vacancy shall occur shall fill
the same until the next annual meeting of the Medical and
Chirurgical Faculty, or the Maryland State Homeopathic
Medical Society, according as the board in question may be
the representative of one or other of said societies, when said
society shall elect an examiner to serve for the remainder of
such unexpired term.
40 A. Each of said boards shall, at its meeting on the first
Tuesday in June of each year, appoint a secretary-treasurer
for the board, whose term of office shall last for one year, and
who shall be eligible for re-appointment, and whose duties shall
be as follows : Within sixty days from the time of his appoint-
ment by his respective board, it shall be the duty of the clerk
of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, and the clerk of the
Circuit Courts of each county in the State, to furnish the
secretary-treasurer of each board a list of all physicians who
have been legally registered in such Court. To all those phy-
sicians who have at that time been practising in the State
without having been legally registered said secretary-treasurer
shall send a printed notice of the section of this Act relating
to the duty of the Police Commissioners in Baltimore city and
the sheriffs of the counties of the State under this law. Within
four months of the time of his appointment he shall see that
all physicians entitled to register have been registered, and