by the policy, it shall be expressed in said policy that the
insurance is made upon the said mansion house or other build-
ing insured subject to the lien created by law.
CHAP. 564.
O J */
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That section 6 of chapter
173 of the Acts of 1849 of the General Assembly of Mary-'
land, entitled "An Additional Supplement to an Act entitled
An Act to incorporate the Mutual Fire Insurance Company,"
passed at the December Session eighteen hundred and forty-
two, chapter 214, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that
sections 2 and 3 of said chapter and Act be and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, so as to read
as follows :
Repeal •
and re-enact.
Section 2. That all applications for insurance in said com-
pany shall be made in writing and signed by the party or1
parties making the same, and when such application shall be
made and the premiums therefor paid to the company, the
same shall be deemed and taken as full an assent to the consti-
tution and by-laws of said company as if made according to the
requirements of the second section of the original charter of
said company ; and that any insurance heretofore made of
such charter shall be good and valid between the company
and said parties.
[or insurance
to »e made
in writing.
Section 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall and
may be lawful for any person possessed of a life estate in real
property, or any person holding such property in trust, to
insure the same in said company.
Life estates
may be
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That section 10 of the
aforesaid Act of 1842, chapter 214, as the same was repealed
and re-enacted with amendments by chapter 227 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January
Session of 1880, be and the same is hereby further repealed
and re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows :
Repeal and
Section 10. And be it enacted, That whenever it shall be
found necessary by the board of directors to make an assess-1
ment to pay a loss or losses for which the said company may
be liable, it shall be the duty of such board to ascertain the
amount so to be raised and the proportion thereof or sum to
be paid or contributed by each member of said company and
to notify each member of the same so to be paid by him or
her, and if at the end of sixty days from the date of such
notice any member of said corporation shall have failed to
pay his or her contribution as aforesaid, it shall be unlawful
for the said board of directors, upon filing in the office
of the clerk of the Circuit Court for the county where
the property insured to such defaulting member is situated an
account or statement of the amount by such defaulting rnem-
Members to
56 notified of
to be levied,