CHAP 569.
Allegany county, Maryland, and of the Westernport and
Lonaconing Railway Company of Allegany county, Mary-
land, and of any other ele.ctric railway company connecting
therewith in Allegany county, and to operate said leased or
consolidated roads between the terminals thereof ; and such
several companies, and each of them, is hereby empowered to
contract with the said Cumberland and Westernport Electric
Railway Company for such consolidation, merger, lease, pur-
chase or sale, and to do all such acts or things as shall be
necessary to consummate the same.
tion of
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Cumber-
land and Westernport Electric Railway Company shall have
power to transport over its roads passengers, at the rates pre-
scribed in the franchises heretofore granted by the Commis-
sioners of Allegany county, and also packages, parcels of
merchandise, baggage and other commodities, except coal and
lumber, and to charge reasonable rates therefor.
May furnish
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said company
be and it is hereby authorized to supply any persons or cor-
porations within Allegany county, Maryland, forms of elec-
tricity for use in driving machinery, and for lighting, heating
and all other purposes and uses to which electricity can be
made applicable, and to contract for the said power from any
electric company now incorporated or which may be hereafter
incorporated, or to buy, lease or consolidate with any such
electric power company for such purposes, and to charge and
receive reasonable rates therefor ; and said company is hereby
Capital stock
may be
authorized, from time to time, to increase its capital stock to
an amount not exceeding a total issue of 20,000 shares of $30
each, or $1,000,000, and to issue bonds for such amount as
may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Act, and
execute a mortgage or mortgages of all or any of its property
and franchises to secure said bonds.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1902.
AN ACT to enlarge and extend the powers of the Maryland
Medical College of Baltimore City.
WHEREAS, The Maryland Medical College of Baltimore
city, a prosperous and progressive Medical College, incor-
porated under the General Laws of this State, desires to have
its powers thereunder enlarged and extended ; therefore,