lawfully payable to him, it shall be the duty of the successor
to collect and pay over the same ; and it shall be the duty of
the sheriff to keep in his office, in a proper book for the pur-
pose, an official record of the fees at.d charges to be collected
by him and those which have been collected, which books
shall remain in his office after the expiration of his term, for
the use of his successor.
CHAP. 551.
214 B. The sheriff shall be allowed a warden to the jail, to
be by him appointed, who shall receive a salary of thirty
dollars per month, to be paid by the County Commissioners
at the first regular meeting in every month ; he shall be
allowed eight dollars per month for wages of a cook for the
prisoners in jail, and he shall be allowed for his actual expendi-
tures for food, provisions and necessary supplies furnished the
prisoners confined in jail ; provided, the costs of the food of
the prisoners does not exceed the sum of thirty cents per day
for each prisoner so confined. The sheriff shall keep an
itemized account of all such expenditures, and shall make a
report to the County Commissioners at the first meeting in
every month of such expenditures, accompanied by a state-
ment showing the actual number of prisoners daily supplied
during such period ; and the County Commissioners upon
examination of said account and finding the same within the
limits herein provided shall pay the same to the said sheriff.
Approved April 11, 1902.
AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to defray the
expenses of the interment of the bodies of deceased soldiers,
sailors and marines who served in the United States army
or navy between the .years 1861-1865.
Warden to be
WHEREAS, The ranks of the men who fought in the service
of the United States between the years 1861-1865 is fast
being depleted, and the number of the old soldiers and sailors
passing away is largely increasing ; and
WHEREAS, The burden upon the survivors in providing a
decent burial for those that pass away without leaving any
estate is becoming too great to be borne by them ; now, there-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the expenses of the interment of the bodies
of deceased soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the
United States army or navy between the years 1861-1865, and
were honorably discharged, shall foe paid by the State of