certificate or statement of the result of any primary election,
knowing the same to be false, or who shall wilfully deface,
destroy or conceal any statement, tally or certificate of such
election entrusted to his care and custody, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be pun-
ished by imprisonment in jail for not less than two months or
more than two years, or by a fine of not less than four hundred
CHAP. 523.
Unlawful for
any judge
or clerk to
make false
certificate of
returns, etc.
Section 15. Each ticket, or a majority of the candidates
whose names appear on such ticket, or of such candidates on ,
said ticket who may be present, may select a clerk of election
who, with the challenger, shall be entitled to be present in the
polling room before the polls are opened and until after the
votes are cast and counted. In case of contest not more than
a bare majority of the judges selected shall be supporters of
any one candidate or ticket. Any person excluding or attempt-
ing to exclude such challenger or clerk from the polling room
during the time above set forth shall be guilty of a misde-
Clerk and
entitled to be
in polling
Section 16. Any person who shall canvass or electioneer
within one hundred feet of the polling place during any
primary election shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction shall be fined not less than one nor more than one
hundred dollars.
Guilty of
Section 17. There shall be a polling place in every precinct,
and in no case shall any election be held in any building, or in
any part of a building, used a saloon, pool room, billiard room
or bowling alley. No person shall be permitted to vote in any
precinct who is not a registered voter therein. The ballot box
shall be placed in a central and conspicuous position inside the
polling room. Not more than two voters shall be admitted at
any one time, and no other persons except the judges, clerks
and challengers ; provided, ho.wever, the judges may admit
one or more persons, in their discretion, who desire to chal-
lenge or object to any voter ; such persons, after such objec-
tion is decided, shall immediately retire. No person shall
send or bring any intoxicating liquors in any polling room at
any primary, during the voting or counting of the ballots,
under a penalty of a fine of not less than five or more than
twenty-five dollars. Elections of the same political party in
the several districts shall be on the same day.
Polling place
to be
provided in
precinct, etc.
Section 18. Before the next general registration of voters in
Baltimore county, it shall be the duty of the supervisors of
elections in said county to furnish two registry books, as pro-
vided in section 15 of Article 33, Code of Public General
Laws, except that in addition to the columns provided in the
books to be