Who are enti-
tled to vote.
46. Every male citizen of the United States of the age of
twenty-one years and upwards who have been a resident of
Cambridge for one year, and of the ward in which he may
offer to vote for thirty days next preceding the election, shall
be entitled to vote in the ward in which he resides at all elec-
tions hereafter to be held in said town, but a person who shall
have acquired a residence in one ward of said town entitling
him to vote at any such election shall be entitled to vote in
the ward from which he removed until he shall have acquired
a residence in the ward to which he has removed.
One day's
wort: must be
done on the
streets, etc.,
in each year.
73. The year for ordering and repairing the streets, lanes,
alleys and thoroughfares of said town shall be reckoned from
the first day of May, inclusive, in one year, to the first day of
May, exclusive, in the next year. Every able-bodied male
person between the age of twenty-one and fifty years who has
resided in said town for four months shall be bound to work
on said streets, lanes, alleys and thoroughfares for one day in
every year, as the year is herein defined, and if any person who
is liable to render service fails to attend, on notice from the
chief bailiff or a sub-bailiff, or who appears and fails or refuses
to work and render service as by the person or persons super-
vising the work he is required and instructed, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before a justice
of the peace or in the Circuit Court for Dorchester County
such person shall be fined one dollar and shall be adjudged to
pay the costs and to stand committed to jail until tine and
costs are paid, and he shall be bound to render proper service.
Any person who pays to the chief bailiff the sum of one dollar
in lieu of rendering personal service on the streets, lanes, alleys
and thoroughfares of Cambridge shall receive a receipt therefor
from said chief bailiff exempting him from work and service
on the street for the term of one year, as the year is herein-
before defined. The Commissioners of Cambridge shall have
full power and authority to pass one or more ordinances for
executing, carrying out and enforcing the provisions hereof
and providing systematic arrangements in respect thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from, the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1902.