CHAP. 620.
te be paid.
tor of every insurance company not organized under the
laws of this State, and doing herein the business of insur-
ance in any of its branches, is hereby required to obtain the
sum of ten dollars ; provided, however, that sub-agents or
solicitors, who may be appointed by the general agent of any
life or accident insurance company in this State, shall only be
required to pay for these respective certificates of authority the
sum of two dollars ; for each abstract of their annual state-
ment for publication, two dollars ; for every copy of any paper
filed in the Insurance Department, the sum of twenty cents
per folio, and for affixing the official seal to such copy, and
certifying the same, one dollar ; for valuing policies of life
insurance companies, thirty dollars per million of insurance or
any fractional part thereof; for official examination of com-
panies under this Article, the charges specified in the sixth
paragraph of section 122 of this Article; provided, the tiling
of the papers with the Insurance Commissioner, as required
by this Article, shall be in lieu of all papers formerly required
by law to be filed with the Comptroller and clerk of the
Superior Court of Baltimore City, and the certificate of
authority issued to any solicitor of a foreign insurance com-
pany, whether he be a solicitor for a life insurance company or
a fire insurance company, or for an insurance company doing
the business of insurance in any of its branches, shall have
specified upon its face the name of the company for which
said solicitor is authorized to act.
Approved April 11, 1902.
AN ACT to repeal Sections forty-three, forty-six, sixty-one
and seventy-three of Article ten of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title "Cam-
bridge," as amended by the Acts of nineteen hundred,
Chapter three hundred and thirty-nine, and re-enact the
same with amendments.
and re-enact
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections forty-three, forty-six, sixty-one and
seventy-three be and the same are hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows: