SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section 126 of Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws, entitled "Corporations," sub-title
"Insurance Companies," be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :
Repeal and
126. No person shall act as agent or solicitor in this State
for any insurance company, including individuals, whether
residents or non residents, partnership or joint stock associa-
tion, except for such companies as may be chartered under the
laws of this State, in any manner whatever relating to insur-
ance risks, until all the provisions of this Article relating thereto
have been complied with and there has been granted by the
Insurance Commissioner a certificate of authority or license,
for which said company, individual, resident or non-resident,
association or their agent shall pay to the Insurance Commis-
sioner the sum of three hundred dollars, and shall also pay to
the Insurance Commissioner a tax of one and one-half per
centum on the amount of premiums actually collected,
received or secured in this State, or from residents thereof,
during the last license year by or for said company, individual,
resident or non-resident, partnership or association, and with-
out any deduction for expenses or endowments which may
have been paid, or for any other cause whatsoever. A report
of the premiums so collected as above must be made to the
Insurance Commissioner under oath of the chief accountant
officer of such company, or its general agent of this State, at
the time of obtaining the license hereinabove provided for.
Any company applying for admission in this State shall pay
for license in like proportion for a fractional part of a year, so
that all licenses issued shall expire on the thirty-first day of
December next ensuing. In addition to the above license and
tax, there shall be paid by each insurance company, individual,
resident or non-resident, partnership or association, whether
of this State or otherwise, doing business in this State, the
following fees to the Insurance Commissioner to defray the
expenses of executing the provisions of this Article : Upon
tiling the declaration or certified copy of charter hereafter
admitted to do business in this State, twenty-five dollars ;
upon tiling each annual statement, twenty-five dollars ; for
each certificate of authority which each agent or solici-
Act as
solicitor for
company, etc .