CHAP. 480.
the purposes aforesaid, by agreement with the owner or owners
of any land or other material, or any improvements for the
construction or repair of said road or its works, and for the
purchase, use and occupation of the same, and in case they do
not agree, or the owner or owners be a feme covert, under age,
non compos mentis, or out of the jurisdiction of the Court in
the county wherein the land may lie, for the service of pro-
cess, where such land or material may be needed, said com-
pany may proceed to condemn and acquire the same for the
purpose in the manner provided for by sections 167, 169 and
173. inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of Public General
Laws of this State, and may condemn lands, easements, lights
of way, materials and privileges for the purposes aforesaid;
and shall have other rights, privileges and powers conferred
by the general laws, so far as the same does not conflict here-
Authority to
and sell
and furnish
electric light
power, etc.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That said company
shall have power to make or manufacture and sell, and to
furnish such quantities of electric light and power as may be
required or desired at any point in Cecil county, and to con-
tract for and furnish electric light for lighting the streets,
public and private buildings in said county, or of any city or
town therein, and for motive power and other purposes; and
the said corporation is hereby authorized to lay, purchase,
construct or build lines, conductors and conduits under, along,
upon or over the streets, squares, lanes, alleys, roads or ways
whatsoever in said county, or any city or town therein, and
over, under and along any private property in said county,
the consent of the owners being first had and obtained; and
to connect the same with any manufactory, car or conveyance,
and in general to manufacture, sell, furnish or supply electric
light and power, or street electricity, and electric machinery
and supplies for any and all purposes that may be desired or
required, and to use the necessary means for the accomplish-
ment of the purposes of this incorporation; and the said
corporation is also empowered to use any roads, alleys and
highways of the county, and the streets, lanes or alleys of any
city or town in said county, subject always to any ordinance
that may be passed by the municipal authorities of such town
or city, or the County Commissioners of said county, as to the
use, occupation, filling up, repairing or destroying such streets,
roads or highways, in conformity to such ordinances or rules;
provided, that authority to enter or pass through any county,
city or municipality must be first had and obtained from the
County Commissioners and from the proper officers of such
cities or municipalities.