CHAP. 368.
for such money compensation as it shall appear upon
inquiry determine as may be prescribed by said board, for a
period not longer than twenty-five years ; but such grant may,
at the option of the said board, provide for giving the grantee
the right, on a fair re-valuation, including in such re-valuation
the value, if any, derived from the said franchise or right to
renewals, not exceeding in the aggregate twenty-five years.
Every grant of any such franchise or right shall make pro-
visions, by way of forfeiture or otherwise of the grant, for the
purpose of compelling compliance with the terms thereof and
to secure efficiency of public service at reasonable rates and
the maintenance of the property in good condition throughout
the full term of the grant. The grant shall also specify the
mode of determining the valuation and re-valuation which may
be provided for therein, and the time limitation in which there
shall be an exercise of the rights given, and in default thereof,
for a lapse of the grant.
SEC. 3. When the grant of a franchise or right is made in
compliance with the aforegoing sections, the said County Com-
missioners shall not part with, but shall expressly resume the
right and duty at all times to exercise full municipal control
and regulation in respect to all matters connected with said
grant not inconsistent with the terms thereof.
rights not
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. Nothing in this Act shall be
construed as affecting any private rights or the rights of adja-
cent landholder as now held and enjoyed by law.
Applied to
general road
and bridge
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all monies received by the
County Commissioners of Baltimore county under the pro-
visions of this law shall be applied to the general road and
bridge account of the county.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this law shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to Incorporate the Union Bridge Banking and
Trust Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Jacob Stoner, Nathan A. Englar, George
W. Albaugh, Silas D. Sensney and S. Raymond Sensney, and
their associates and successors, and all such other persons as
shall hereafter become stockholders in the company hereby
incorporated, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body
politic and corporate by the name and style of the Union