corporation so secured for any sum or sums so borrowed; or
the said corporation may for any sum or sums needed by
the corporation issue its preferred stock to the amount afore-
said in conformity with the provisions of section two hundred
and ninety-four (294) of Article twenty-three (23) of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to add an additional sub-Section to Section 1 of
Article 89 of the Cede of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, title " Statistics and Information as to Branches of
Industry, " to follow Sub-Section 6, to be designated as Sub-
Section 6 A, and also to repeal and re-enact Sub-Section 7 of
said Section 1 of said Article.
CHAP. 365.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That an additional sub-section be and the same is
hereby added to section 1 of Article 89 of the Code of Public
General Laws, title " Statistics and Information as to Branches
of Industry, " to follow sub-section 6, to be designated as sub-
section 6 A, and that sub-section 7 of said section one of said
Article be repealed and re-enacted, so as to read as to said new
sub-section, and the section repealed and re-enacted, as follows:
New section
6 A. And be it enacted, That the Chief of the Bureau
of Industrial Statistics shall cause to be organized and
operated a Free State Employment Agency for the free use
of the citizens of the State of Maryland, for the purpose of
securing employment for unemployed persons who may
register in said bureau or agency, and for the purpose of
securing help or labor for persons registering as applicants for
help or labor, and to advertise and maintain such office.
Free State
7. And be it enacted, That the sum of ten thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby
annually appropriated to pay the salary of the Chief of the
Bureau of Industrial Statistics, and the expenses incident to
the execution of the duties of his office; but no part of said
expenses shall be paid until the same shall have been
approved by the Governor, and the said official shall annually
return to the Comptroller of the Treasury the detailed state-
ment of said expenses, and shall also print the same in the
book of statistics.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.
of money