CHAP. 181.
dnplicate certificate hereinbefore provided for, the clerk shall
issue to the said applicants a license for said boat, if all other
requirements and conditions* aforesaid herein provided shall
be complied with.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the fifteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and two, and
that all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith be and the
same are hereby repealed so far as inconsistent.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT for the creation of a commission to investigate the
cause, origin, treatment, prevention and cure of the disease
in horses called Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor of the State be and is hereby
authorized to appoint a commission, to be known as the Com-
mission to investigate the disease in horses called Cerebro-
Spinal Meningitis, to consist of not less than five persons, of
whom the pathologist of Johns Hopkins University and the
vetenarian of the Maryland Agricultural College shall be
two, whose duty it shall be to investigate the cause, origin,
treatment, prevention and cure in the State of Maryland of
the disease in horses called Cerebro-Spinal Meningstis.
SEC. 2. The members of the said commission shall serve
without pay.
without pay, except expenses actually incurred, and shall con-
tinue in office for a term of two years from date of their
appointment. They shall meet in Baltimore city within
thirty days after the date of their appointment and thereafter
at such times and places as may be necessary. They shall fill
by a majority vote any vacancy that may occur in their mem-
bership, and shall report the results of their investigations not
later than January first, 1904, to the Governor of this State.
SEC. 3. For the purpose of defraying necessary expenses,
including printing, rent, postage, traveling and clerical assist-
ance, the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to be paid by the
Treasurer of the State upon warrant of the Comptroller at
such times and in such sums as may be authorized by the
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8. 1902.