CHAP. 161.
able before the police justice and not before the justice issuing
the same ; the said police justice alone being authorized to try
criminal cases in said district ; and when said writ is so issued
and returned the said justice so issuing the same shall be
allowed the fee therefor now fixed by law, which fee shall be
taxed in the cost of the case and paid by Kent county, unless
the same be adjudged against the party arrested and paid by
138 E. That whenever any person shall be arrested charged
To he taken
police Justice
with the commission of any criminal offense within the
Fourth or Chestertown Election District of said county, or
' with the violation of any of the ordinances of the town of
Chestertown, it shall be the duty of the officer making said
arrest to take the person so arrested before the police justice
selected under this Act, whether such arrest shall be made
upon the warrant of said police justice or of some other
justice, as authorized by section 138 D of this Act, or whether
such arrest is made without writ or warrant in cases wliere by
law such arrest may be so made ; and the officer making such
arrest shall be entitled to receive five cents per mile for con-
veying each prisoner before the police justice.
138 F. That every justice of the peace selected under this
Act as police justice, shall file with the County Commissioners
of Kent county, on the first days of January, April, July and
October, in each and every year, an account, verified by his
oath or affirmation, of all fines, forfeitures and penalties
imposed by him under the laws of this State, or under any
ordinances of the town of Chestertown, which said account
shall show the names of the parties, the fines and penalties
imposed, together with the amounts of costs, and by whom
the said costs were due ; and the said police justice shall, at the
time of filing said account, pay over to the said County Com-
missioners the amount of all tines, penalties, forfeitures,
justices, and State witnesses' costs so received by him, to be
for removal
appropriated by said County Commissioners as hereinafter
provided. Any failure to file said account as above required
shall be cause for removal by the Governor and the selection
of another justice of the peace to act as police justice in his
place. And the clerk to the County Commissioners shall,
within ten days after default, notify the Governor of the
failure of the said police justice to tile said account by the
time prescribed in this Act ; if such default shall continue for
ten days, and if said police justice shall fail to pay over to
said County Commissioners all of said fines, penalties,
forfeitures and costs collected by him at the time or before
the filing of said account, he shall be deemed a defaulter, and