not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars,
and costs of prosecution, and be imprisoned in the county jail
for thirty days; and on the second and every subsequent con-
viction not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five
hundred dollars, and costs of prosecution, and in addition to
such fine, be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than
sixty nor more than ninety days, in the discretion of the
Court; and on failure to pay any such fine and costs as
herein described, he or they shall remain in the jail of said
county after the term of imprisonment until such fine and
CHAP. 13.
costs are paid ; one-half of the tine imposed for violation of
this section shall go to the informer, and the residue to the
Board of School Commissioners of said county for the benefit
of public schools therein.
193 B. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to pre-
vent the compounding or sale of any such liquors for medici-
nal purposes by a pharmacist or druggist, who shall or may
obtain a license under the license laws of the State of Mary-
land, and upon a written bona fide prescription of a regular
practicing physician, whose name shall be signed thereto ; and
all such prescriptions shall be filed and kept by such pharma-
cist or druggist and no prescription shall serve for more than
one purchase ; but no physician shall make or sign any such
prescription unless the person for whom it is made is actually
sick, and such liquor is absolutely necessary as a medicine ;
any physician who shall make or sign any prescription for
such liquors except as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a
violation of this section, and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred
dollars for the first offence, and not less than two hundred nor
more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offence ;
and if the buyer shall obtain a prescription by misrepresenta-
tion he shall likewise be deemed guilty of a violation of this
section and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the
How to be
same fine as the physician who shall violate the same, one-half
of the said fine to be paid to the informer and the residue to
the Board of School Commissioners of said county for the
benefit of the public schools thereof ; and said violators shall
be committed to the county jail until such fine and the costs
of prosecution are paid ; but nothing herein contained shall be
construed to prohibit a sale by a pharmacist or druggist in
case extreme illness, when delay may be dangerous to the
193 o. Any person who shall desire to obtain a license to
sell the aforesaid liquors as a pharmacist and druggist under
the provisions of this Act shall file with the clerk of the
Petition to be