CHAP. 13.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 26, 1902.
AN ACT to repeal section one hundred and ninety-three of
Article 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Queen Anne's County," sub-title "Liquors and Intox-
icating Drinks," as amended by Chapter 348, Acts of 1896,
and to re-enact the same with amendments, and to add
additional sections to said Article 18, to follow Section 193,
and to be designated as Sections 193 A, 193 B, 193 C, 193 D,
193 E, relating to the sale of spirituous, fermented or intoxi-
cating liquors, cider and alcoholic bitters in the fifth or
Queenatown election district of Queen Anne's county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section one hundred and ninety-three of
Article 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Queen Anne's County," sub-title "Liquors and Intoxica-
ting Drinks' as amended by Chapter 348, Acts of 1896, be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted witfi amend-
ments and that five new sections be, and they are hereby
added to said Article 18 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland, title "Queen Anne's county," sub-title "Liquors
New sections
and Intoxicating Drinks" to follow said section one hundred
and ninety three of said Article 18, and to be known as sections
193 A, 193B, 193 C, 193D and 193 E, said section hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments, and the five new
sections hereby added to read respectively as follows :
193. It shall not be lawful for any person, house, corpora-
tion, company or association to sell, directly or indirectly, at
Unlawful to
sell or give
away liquors,
any place or to give away at his, its or their place of business,
within the limits of election district number five, or Queens-
town district, of Queen Anne's county, any spirituous,
fermented or intoxicating liquors of any origin whatever, cider
or alcoholic bitters.
193 A. Any person, house, company, association or body
corporate, who shall sell, directly or indirectly at any place,
or give away at his, its or their place of business any spirit-
uous, or fermented liquors or alcoholic bitters, or intoxicating
drinks of any kind, or cider within the limits of said election
district number five, or Queenetown district, shall, on convic-
tion thereof, forfeit and pay on the first conviction a fine of