CHAP. 123.
Treasurer to
be selected.
election, and shall select one of their number president, who
shall preside at their meetings and preserve order ; they shall
also select one of their number as treasurer of said corpora-
tion to serve for two years and until his successor shall qualify,
whose duty it shall be to keep an account of the receipts and
disbursements of the funds of the corporation in a well-bound
book, to be provided by the commissioners for that purpose,
and annually or oftener if required, to render to the commis-
sioners an account thereof, and also to publish annually in one
of the newspapers of the town, a detailed statement of the
receipts and disbursements of all town moneys; but before
said treasurer shall enter upon the dutits of his office, he shall
give bond to the State of Maryland in such penalty as the
commissioners may fix, with securities, to be approved by
them, conditioned that he will well and faithfully account
for all moneys paid over to him as treasurer of said town
for the use and benefit of said corporation, and that he
will also well and truly pay to the order of said com-
missioners all sums of money so received by him, and
the said bond shall be recorded in the office of the clerk
of the Circuit Court for Prince George's county, and the said
treasurer shall qualify and enter upon the duties of his office
on or before the Monday next succeeding his election. The
commissioners shall at their first meeting appoint from among
Secretary to
be appointed.
their members a secretary, who shall serve for two years and
until his successor qualifies, and who shall keep minutes of
the proceedings of the commissioners in a well-bound book,
which shall be open to the inspection of all persons interested
therein, and shall discharge such other duties as the commis-
sioners may require. The said commissioners shall meet in
some convenient place in eaid town on or before the first
Monday next succeeding their election, and once a month or
as often thereafter as may be necessary to discharge the duties
of their office, and shall receive no compensation for their
services; they shall have power to appoint such officers, not
elsewhere provided for, as they may deem necessary for the
proper carrying into effect of the powers and duties conferred
upon them by the sub-title of this Article, and shall define
their particular duties and fix their compensation.
311. They shall annually appoint a chief bailiff and such a
number of under bailiffs as they may deem necessary. The
Bailiffs to be
duties of said officers shall be to preserve the peace and good
order of the town, and for this purpose said officers, and each
of them, are hereby vested with the same power and authority
that constables have under the law of this State. Said bailiffs
and under bailiffs shall be removable at pleasure by the com-
missioners. They shall allow the chief bailiff or under bailiffs