CHAP. 11.
Frederick county, incorporated by the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, 1816, chapter 95, and the faculty and
teachers of said corporation, be and they are hereby authorized
Degrees to be
granted and
and empowered to grant and confer upon the graduates of
their institution, who, in the judgment of the said faculty,
may merit the distinction, such collegiate and academic degrees
as are usually granted and conferred by similar institutions of
learning established for the education of females for profi-
ciency in language, arts and sciences and to grant and confer
such other degrees as are or may be conferred by any college
or institution of learning in this State, or elsewhere, upon any
woman who, in the judgment of the said faculty, of professors
and teachers, may merit such distinction, whether such woman
be a student or graduate of said institution or not.
Right of
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the General
Assembly shall have the right at any time to alter, amend or
repeal this Act.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 26, 1902.
AN ACT to provide for the refunding at a rate of interest
not higher than four per centum per annum of certain
bonds of Dorchester county, issued in pursuance of the
authority contained in Chapter eighty-two of the Acts
passed at the January Session, eighteen hundred and ninety-
two as amended by Chapter three hundred and forty-three
of the Acts passed at the January Session, eighteen hundred
and ninety-four, and to authorize the County Commissioners
of Dorchester county, to borrow money on the credit of said
county for the purpose of redeeming said bonds, and to
give their bonds or bills obligatory for the payment of the
same, and to levy taxes on the assessable property of said
county to pay the interest on said bonds or bills obligatory
and to redeem the same as they become payable.
WHEREAS, Bonds of Dorchester county issued under
chapter eighty-two of the Acts passed at the January Session
of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as amended by chapter
three hundred and forty-three of the Acts passed at the
January Session, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, are now
outstanding and are redeemable at the pleasure of the County
Commissioners of said county ; and