Resolved, That for the purpose of enabling the committee
appointed by the General Assembly to meet the said commit-
tee on the part of Virginia, to confer and report such concur-
rent legislation concerning the matters herein considered and
for the mutual advantage of the citizens of said States, the
Commander of the State Fishery Force is hereby required to
furnish, on the request of said joint committee, one of the
steamers of said force, for the purpose of giving said com-
mittee, if need be, the opportunity of going over the grounds
and personally inspecting the location of said waters, and the
rights of the respective States therein, and in taking said com-
mittee to such points as may be agreed upon by the Virginia
committee for the consideration of the question to be con-
sidered and reported on.
May use State
Resolved, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby directed
to draw his warrant on the Treasurer, subject to the order of
the chairman of said committee for the sum of five hundred
dollars, to defray the expenses of said committee in the dis-
charge of the duties hereinunder; and the said committee shall
report to the next General Assembly an accurate account of
such expenses, with proper vouchers therefor.
No. 14.
WHEREAS, There is now pending before Congress an act to
reclassify and prescribe the salaries of the railway postal
clerks; and
WHEREAS, The United States Railway Mail Service is of
inestimable value to all classes of our citizens and especially to
the business classes; and
WHEREAS, The requirements of this branch of the Post-
Office Department are so exacting, calling for ability and sac-
rifices demanded in no other branch of the Government ser-
vices; and
WHEREAS, The continued improvement in this branch of
service demands additional requirements of the employees ;
WHEREAS, The Hon. Mr. Linton, on behalf of the National
Railway Postal Clerks Association, has introduced into Con
gress a bill to reclassify railway postal clerks, and prescribe
their salaries, said bill having been endorsed by the Honor
able Postmaster General; therefore,