taxes not to exceed twenty-five cents on every one hundred
dollars worth of property, and such taxes, when levied, shall
be a lien upon the property assessed, and shall be collected as
county taxes are collected in Worcester county, or as debts are
collected; or the Mayor and Council may adopt by ordinance
some other mode for the collection of same.
48 D. The Mayor and Council shall have the power to em-
ploy all labor, or authorize the policeman to do so, that may be
necessary, and to fix the price to be paid for the same.
48'E. The Mayor and Council shall publish, annually, by
To employ
printed hand-bills or otherwise, a full and complete tabulated
statement of their receipts and disbursements, at least one week
before the annual meeting; and the secretary to the council,
shall be charged with the duty of furnishing said statement.
SEC. y. And be it enacted, That the commissioners now in
office shall remain and continue to be Commissioners of Berlin
until the first election under this act, and until their successors,
in the persons of Mayor and Council, are elected and qualified
and all their acts shall have the same effect as if this act had
not been passed, and that all acts or parts of acts inconsistent
with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.
Present com-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4th, 1896.
Chapters 8, 9, 39, 56, 69, 145, 236, 241, 245, 305, 361, 364,
392, 428, 447, 452 and 479 were vetoed by the Governor.
Chapters 45, 53 and 98 were never received by the Governor.