county; provided, the same is prayed within tive days, and
good and sufficient bond, approved by the Mayor, be given for
payment of fine and all cost in case judgment be affirmed.
The Mayor and Council shall have charge and control of the
lighting of the streets of said town, and shall have power to
contract for lighting the same.
of property
48 A. All property, both real and personal, within the limits
of Berlin, and all personal securities and judgments, and stock
held or owned by citizens of said town, shall be taxed for
municipal purposes, and the council shall provide for reassess-
ment of the property of said town, whenever and as often as
at a general town election in said town a majority of the voters
shall vote for a reassessment, and until such time as a reassess-
ment shall be so ordered the council shall recognize the assess-
ment now in force, with such additions and corrections as may
be necessary to be made by the council to meet the annual
changes therein; and whenever a reassessment shall be ordered,
as before prescribed, the Mayor shall appoint three taxpayers
of said town, to be approved by the council, to value and assess
the property of said town, the said assessors to subscribe to an
oath to perform the duties imposed upon them without favor,
fear, partiality or prejudice; and they shall, within thirty days
from qualification, make return of their assessment to .the
Mayor and Council; and any one feeling aggrieved at the
valuation of his or her property by said assessors, may, at any
time within thirty days, appeal from said valuation to the
council, who, on good cause shown, may make any change or
alteration in said assessment winch they may think proper, and
if not satisfied with the change or alteration made by the
Mayor and Council, may have the right to appeal to the Cir-
cuit Court of Worcester county; and all taxpayers may inspect
the books of assessment free of charge.
Omitted and
new prop-
48B. The council shall, eacli and every year, at least thirty
days before striking the levy, add and include in the assess-
ment all taxable property omitted by the assessors, all property
acquired since the assessment and all improvements made
since; and they shall give at least thirty days' notice by hand-
bills of the time of making the levy, and shall hear all com-
plaints made, at the meeting next ensuing of any such addi-
tions to the assessment of property omitted, acquired and
Levy of taxes.
48 C. The council shall levy at the first meeting in January,
annually, on the assessable property of said town, a sum suffi-
cient to meet the current expenses of the preceding year, such