warrant, of any person violating any town ordinance, when,
in the judgment of the said Mayor or bailiff of the town, the
delay necessary to the issuing of warrants would be dangerous
to the peace and quiet of the town, or the lives, limbs or prop-
erty of the citizens; and when it shall appear that the offender
is so intoxicated as to render it unsafe to permit him to ride
or drive through the streets of said town, shall provide for
the custody of the horse or horses, vehicle or vehicles, ridden
or driven by such person, in some place of safety, until such
offender or offenders shall become sober; and the said council
shall subject the property so taken and deposited to the pay-
ment of all costs of the proceedings and the keeping of said
property until the same be released according to law.
SEC. 40. And be it further enacted, That all property in
said corporate limits used only for agricultural purposes, and
May arrest
which has not been laid out in lots, shall only be assessed as
such agricultural property, and not as town lots, and the
County Commissioners of Garrett county, upon the applica-
tion of the said Council of Loch Lynn Heights, are authorized
and directed to furnish to the said council a full levy list of
all property assessed on their books.
SEC. 41. Provided that nothing in this act contained shall
of agricul-
tural prop-
in any manner interfere or curtail the rights, privileges and
immunities now exercised and enjoyed by the corporation of
Mountain Lake Park, and no license for the sale of intoxi-
cating liquors, wines, ales, beer or drinks of like nature shall
be granted within the corporate limits of Loch Lynn Heights,
or within one mile of any boundary line thereof.
Not to inter-
fere with
bake, park.
SEC. 42. And be it enacted, That neglect or non-use shall
not work a forfeiture of this charter.
Neglect, etc.
SEC. 43. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1896.
AN ACT to change the boundary line between Parsons' dis-
trict, No. 5, and Pittsburg district, No. 4, in Wicomico
county, Maryland, in and near the town of Parsonsbnrg, in
said Parson's district.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the boundary line between Parsons' district No. 5,