to the State of Maryland a good and sufficient bond, covering
double the amount of the fine or forfeiture, in case of forfeit,
so as to secure to the State the amount of fine and forfeiture,
in case he does not prosecute his appeal with effect.
and penal-
95. Any non-resident of this State violating either sections
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 or 98 of this article, by the use
of any pound net, fyke net, haul seine or other contrivance,
now known or hereafter invented, in the taking or catching of
fish, shall, on conviction thereof before some justice of the
peace of any county of this State most accessible, forfeit said
pound net, fyke net, haul seine or other contrivance, now used
or hereafter invented for taking fish, together with all boats,
vessels, tackle used in the violation of this act, or fined a sum
of not less than fifty dollars and not more than one hundred
dollars, or both fine and forfeiture, in the discretion of the
justice of the peace trying the same, providing the person feel-
ing aggrieved shall have the right of appeal to the Circuit
Court of said county, under the provisions of the 94th section
of this article.
Duty of State
96. It shall be the duty of the Commander of the State
Fishery Force to command the deputies under his charge, to
see that the provisions of suctions 90 to 99, inclusive, of this
article, are not violated, and to arrest all persons found violat-
ing any provisions of sections 90 to 98, inclusive, of this article,
and take the said offender or offenders to the nearest or most
accessible justice of the peace of any of the counties of this
State, to be dealt with according to law.
of fines.
97. All fines collected by the justices of the peace, under
the provisions of sections 90 to 98, inclusive, of this article, shall,
within ten days thereafter, be paid to the clerk of the Circuit
Court of the county in which the justice of the peace may reside,
and by the said clerk be paid into the Treasury of the State,
to be credited to the oyster fund, and that the provisions of
these sections of the sub title " Chesapeake Bay," shall not
apply in any sense to any of the tributaries of the Chesapeake
Where pound
nets, etc.,
98. The use of pound nets or stake nets shall be absolutely
prohibited in the Chesapeake bay, north of aline one mile
south of Pool's Island, except the bay shore of Kent county
up to Howel's Point at the mouth of Sassafras river, and
also on the Susquehanna river; and any person who shall
engage in fishing for sale, with the use of said pound nets,
stake nets or similar contrivance now used or hereafter invent-
ed, shall be subject to the same fines and penalties as are pre-