92. Every applicant for license to take or catch fish for sale,
under the provisions of this article, shall be required to make
oath or affirmation before the clerk authorized to issue the
same, or before some justice of the peace, on whose certificate
of the taking of such oath or affirmation, the clerk shall issue
said license, that "the facts set forth in said license are
strictly true; that he has been a bona fide resident of the
State of Maryland for the twelve months next preceding his
application for said license, and that no non-resident of the
State of Maryland is either directly or indirectly interested in
use of said pound net, fyke or haul seine or other contriv-
ance used in taking fish for sale, or any boat or vessel used in
the prosecution of said fishing, of pound nets, fykes, haul seines,
or other contrivances in the taking or catching of fish for
Oath of appli-
cant for
93. The Comptroller of the Treasury shall cause to be
printed and delivered to the clerk of the Circuit Courts for
the several counties the requisite number of such blank
licenses, and take receipt for the same, and for other licenses
furnished; and said clerks shall, on the first Monday in July
and December, of each year, return to the Comptrojler a list
and account of such licenses issued by them, and at the end of
each year shall return all unused blank licenses to him, and
shall pay over to the Comptroller all the moneys received by
them for such license, which amount the said Comptroller shall
place to the credit of the oyster fund.
to have
94. It shall not be lawful for any person in taking fish for
sale by the use of pound nets, fykes or other contrivances, now
known or hereafter invented, to set such pound nets, fyke nets
or other contrivances, now known or hereafter invented, in
waters of the Chesapeake bay, within the jurisdictional limits
of the State of Maryland, and below Pool's Island, in the
Chesapeake bay, at a greater length than 800 yards from low
water mark; and any person violating this section shall, upon
conviction thereof, before some justice of the peace of any
county of this State most accessible, shall be fined the sum of
not less than twenty or more than one hundred dollars, or shall
forfeit said net or nets, together with the boats and tackles
used in the violation of sections 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98, of this article, or both fine and forfeiture, at the discretion
of the justice of the peace trying the same; provided, that
the party feeling aggrieved shall have the right of appeal as
in other cases tried before justices of the peace; and provided
further, that in case of appeal, the person appealing shall give
Where unlaw-
ful to set
fyke nets,