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Session Laws, 1896 Session
Volume 475, Page 731   View pdf image (33K)
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each per month, each to be selected from the district in which
they are respectively to serve.


48. That it shall be unlawful, without authority from the
owner, for any person or persons to take or catch planted or
bedded oysters, knowing them to be so planted or bedded, or
to remove, break off, destroy, or otherwise injure or alter
any stakes, bounds, marks, buoys or other designation of any
of said beds; any person or persons violating the provisions of
this section or section 47 of this article, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Circuit
Court or a justice of the peace for the county where the oys-
ters were bedded, shall be liable to the fines and penalties in
section 46 of this article.

Unlawful to
take bed-
ded oysters,

63. All oysters sold in this State shall be measured, either in
a one-half-bushel tub, a bushel tub, a bushel and one-half tub,)
or a three bushel tub, and all instruments of measurement for
measuring oysters in the shell shall be an iron circular tub
with straight sides, and. straight solid bottom, with holes in
bottom, if desired for draining, such holes to be no larger,
however, than one inch in diameter; a half-bushel tub shall
have the following dimensions: all measurements to be from
inside to inside, fifteen inches across the top, thirteen inches
across the bottom, and seventeen inches diagonally from the
inside chime to the top; a bushel tub shall measure sixteen
and one-half inches across at the bottom from inside to inside,
twenty-one inches diagonally from the inside chitne to the top;
eighteen inches across from inside to inside from the top; a
bushel and one-half tub shall measure nineteen inches across
the top from inside to inside, eighteen inches from inside to
inside at the bottom, and twenty-four inches diagonally from
the inside chime to the top; a three bushel tub shall measure
twenty-four inches across the top from inside to inside, at the
top, twenty-two inches at the bottom from the inside to the
inside at the bottom, and twenty-nine and twenty-six one hun-
dredths inches diagonally from the inside chime to the top ;
and all oysters measured in the shell, as required by law, shall
be struck measure — struck evenly with a straight-edge; and
any person or persons engaged in the business of buying or
selling oysters in this State, who shall own or have in his
possession any instrument of measurement for oysters in the
shell which differs in size or description from the measure
hereinbefore mentioned, with intent to use the same for meas-
uring oysters, or who shall demand a greater measure than
herein specified, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon

How oysters
to be meas-

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Session Laws, 1896 Session
Volume 475, Page 731   View pdf image (33K)
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