Where unlaw-
ful to sell
.way of barter, any such liquors, medicated bitters or alco-
holic compounds, or shall therein take any order or orders
therefor, then such person or persons, the member of
such firm, and the directors, trustees or managers of such
corporation shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and on con-
viction thereof in the Circuit Court for Dorchester county,
or before any justice of the peace thereof, shall, for every of-
fence, be confined in the Maryland House of Correction for
not less than three nor more than six months; but if any such
liquors, medicated bitters or alcoholic compounds be sold on
Sunday or to any minor, the party or parties so offending, on
conviction as aforesaid, shall for every offence be confined in
the Maryland House of Correction for not less than six
months. In any indictment, warrant or other charge the mem-
bers of any firm shall be designated as in civil suits, and in the
case of corporations, the directors, trustees or managers thereof
may be simply designated as directors, trustees or managers of
such corporation, and in no case against the members of any
firm or against the directors, trustees or managers of any cor-
poration shall abate, be quashed or set aside under demurrer,
because less than the whole number of the members of such
firm or less than the whole number of the directors, trustees or
managers of such corporation have been charged or arrested,
but such as are charged and have been arrested, may be tried,
and those who have not been charged or those who being
charged have not been arrested, may, upon being charged and
arrested, be tried. In trials in the Circuit Court where the
cases have been removed to said court for a jury trial, or in
trials upon appeals from justice of the peace, instead of pro-
ceeding to trial upon the warrant issued by the justice, State's
attorney may, in every such case, before the trial begin, pre-
pare and file in the same an information or charge in the
nature of an indictment, and the case shall be tried there-
under, and if any person or persons be charged as the member
of any firm or as the directors or managers of any corporation
and shall deny that they are members of such firm or are
directors, trustees or managers of such corporation, they shall
be required to sustain such denial by evidence; and provided,
that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent
the sale of peach or apple brandy and wines manufactured in
said county by the producer of the fruit from which the same
are made at his place of residence in quantities not less than