houses and shops for corporate purpose, to charter, purchase
and hold steamboats and barges, to ply in connection with
their railroad, to any port or ports, place or places whatsoever,
and to contract with the owners of any steamboat or other
railroad company for the transportation of freights and pasa-
engers to and from any such railroad or steamboats.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,That the said Washington, Annapolis
and Chesapeake Railroad Company aforesaid, shall have power
to unite, connect and consolidate with any railroad company
or companies, either in or out of this State, so that the capital
stock of said companies, so united, connected and consolidated,
respectively, may, at the pleasure of the directors, constitute
a common stock, and the respective companies may thereafter
constitute one company and be entitled to all the property,
franchises, rights and privileges, and immunities which each
of them possess, have and enjoy under and by virtue of their
respective charters; provided, however, the said Washington,
Annapolis and Chesapeake Railroad Company shall not con-
solidate with any company or corporation by which the said
Washington, Annapolis and Chesapeake Railroad Company
shall thereby become exempt fiom taxation.
May consoli-
date With:
other roads.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Washington, Annap-
olis and Chesapeake Railroad Company shall have power to
lease or purchase and operate any railroad or railroads either
in or out of this State, for the purpose of carrying on their
business, and any other railroad company in this State shall
have the right to lease or sell its railroad or other property to
the said Washington, Annapolis and Chesapeake Railroad
May lease,
other roads.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said board of directors
of said corporation shall have the power and right to adopt any
route or routes for the said railroad between the termini men-
tioned in their charter as to them shall seem most suitable and
proper, and shall have power to cross, when necessary, all rivers,
streams or creeks by suitable bridges or causeways; and also
the right to cross the lines of other railroads, and to condemn
easements therein, and with the consent of the board of county
commissioners of any county or counties shall have the right to
run over or upon the county roads or bridges belonging to such
county or counties upon such terms as may be agreed upon
between the said railroad company and such board or boards of
county commissioners.
Route of rail-