work; and the said corporation shall also have full power to
make and perform contracts and agreements for the use of
asphalt and asphaltic materials in any shape or form in the
building, repairing, in whole or in part, of building or struct-
ures of any sort or description whatsoever, and generally to do
any and all acts and things necessary and proper to be done in
carrying on the business of handling, using and dealing in
asphalt and asphaltic materials generally.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said company shall have
and enjoy all the general powers, provisions and privileges, and
be subject to the general regulations contained in Article 23, of
the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, so far as the
same may not be inconsistent or conflict with the special or
general regulations or provisions, powers, rights and advanta-
ges conferred by this act.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2d, 1896.
AN ACT to extend the privileges and enlarge the powers
of the Washington, Annapolis and Chesapeake Railroad
Company, incorporated under the General Laws of this
Mav con-
roads, etc.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Washington, Annapolis and Chesapeake Rail-
road Company, a corporation duly incorporated in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-six, under the provisions of
Article twenty-three of the Code of Public General Laws of
the State of Maryland, title " Corporations," sub-title " Rail-
road Companies," for the purpose of building, equipping and
maintaining and working a railroad from a point on the line of
the District of Columbia, in Prince George's county, and some
point on the Chesapeake bay, near the city of Annapolis, said
railroad to pass through the counties of Prince George's and
Anne Arundel, and through the city of Annapolis, shall, in
addition to the powers granted under the aforesaid Article
twenty-three, have power to construct and operate branch
roads, to lease, buy and improve lands for pleasure resorts,
along the line of their road, to lease, buy and build wharves,