and annul all by-laws and regulations which they may deem
necessary for exercising the powers vested in the company and
the carrying the object of this act into effect; provided, such
by-laws be not contrary to the laws of the United States or of
this State, or to the provisions of this act.
Payment of
SEC. 7. The president and directors shall have power to
receive payment for the whole or any part of the subscription
to the capital stock of the company, either in land or money,
and if in land, then at such price, valuation or terms as may
be agreed upon between the said president and directors, and
the person or persons making such subscription.
SEC. 8. The president and directors of said company shall
be and they hereby are invested with all the rights and powers
May con-
struct rail-
necessary to the construction, working, use, repair and mainte-
nance of a railroad, from some suitable point at or near mouth
of the Patuxent river, to a point at or near the city of Balti-
more, to be selected by the president and directors of the said
company hereby incorporated, and to construct such branch or
branches, from any point or points on said railroad, in any
direction, no one of said branches to exceed fifty miles in
length, as the president and directors of said company may,
from time to time, deem it expedient to construct, the said
road and its branches when completed not to be more than 100
feet wide, except at or near its depots or stations, where the
width may be greater, with as many tracks as the president
and directors may deem necessary and expedient, and with
the right to acquire such quantity of land as may be requisite
for the construction and use of the said road, or of any of its
branches, of the width of 100 feet, and «uch additional width
as may be required for the slopes of excavations and embank-
ments; and the said president and directors may cause to be
made, or may contract with others for making said railroad,
May build
bridges, etc
or any part of it, or any of its branches, and they and their
agents, or those with whom they may contract or their agents,
may enter upon and use and excavate any lands which may be
wanted for the site of said road, or of any of its branches, or
the erection of warehouses or other works necessary for the
said road, or for its construction or repair, or for any of its
branches or the construction and repair thereof; and they may
build bridges, fix scales and weights, lay rails, erect poles,
string, stretch and bury wires, take and use earth, gravel,
stone, timber or other materials or property which may be
needed for the construction, working, use and repairing of