awarded by them to the lowest responsible bidder for the same,
who shall be required to do the work connected therewith and
to deliver the same when and as required by the county com-
missioners or the officers aforesaid. The contract for the news-
paper advertising for which proposals were so invited during
the ensuing year shall be awarded to the lowest responsible
bidder for the same, unless for reasons, not of a political char-
acter, the county commissioners shall in open session by reso-
lution determine that the interests of the county demand other-
wise, and the resolution so to be adopted shall contain the reas-
ons and shall be recorded among their proceedings and be open
to the inspection of the public. All bids for such newspaper
advertising shall contain an affidavit of the editor or publisher
of the newspaper making the same, setting forth a true state-
ment of the actual number of existing paying subscribers to
such newspaper at the time of such affidavit, and before award-
ing the contract the books of such editor or publisher may be
required by the county commissioners to be produced before
them in verification thereof. If they deem it advisable so to
do, the county commissioners may require the person or persons
to whom any of the contracts shall be awarded mentioned in
this or in the preceding section to execute a reasonable bond to
the State of Maryland, with sureties satisfactory to the county
commissioners, conditional upon the faithful performance of
the contract so entered into.
Contracts tor
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1896.
AN ACT to amend Article 4 of the Code of Local Laws,
title "City of Baltimore," by adding thereto a new section,
under the sub-title "Destroying Maliciously," to follow sec-
tion 251, and to be numbered Section 251 A.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of the
State of Maryland, title "City of Baltimore," be and the same
is hereby amended by adding a section thereto, under the sub-
title "Destroying Property Maliciously," to follow section 251
thereof, to be numbered section 251 A.
New section.