SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the bailiff shall make all
collections required of him, and pay the same to the clerk
within six months from the time the tax bill is placed in his
Payment ot
taxes to
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the president shall preside
at all meetings of the Commissioners, and shall have all
powers of a justice of the peace in criminal cases arising from
the violation of any ordinance of the Commissioners of "Ber-
wyn Heights," and shall receive the same fees allowed a
justice of the peace in similar cases, and an appeal from his
judgment may be taken to the Circuit Court for Prince
George's county, which shall hear and determine the matter as
upon appeals from a justice of the peace.
Powers of
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the bailiff shall have the
same fees for making distresses for taxes as are allowed county
collectors, and for making arrests or serving process for viola-
tions of any ordinances of the said corporation, the same as
are allowed constables for similar services; and when the bailiff
wilfully fails to discharge any duty of his office, he may be
fined not exceeding ten dollars for each offence.
Fees of
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That any fines, penalties and
forfeitures imposed by this charter, or by any ordinance of the
commissioners, may be collected by proceedings in the name of
the commissioners before the president of the commissioners or
a justice of the peace; and the said president or justice of the
peace shall have power to commit the offender to the county
jail on failure to pay such fine and forfeitures until the same
shall be paid with costs, in the manner by law provided.
Recovery of
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
not expend or contract to expend in any one year, more money
than the amount receivable from taxes and other sources for
that year.
Receipts and
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for the
said county, justice of the peace, sheriff, constable and all the
county and State officers, shall have, hold and exercise their
offices and jurisdiction in said town, and the commissioners of
Prince George's county shall appropriate annually the full
amount of road tax levied or imposed upon the assessable
property within the corporate limits of the town, and shall
order the county collector, who shall collect the taxes within
said corporate limits, to pay said road taxes to the commis-
sioners of said town for the improvement of the streets,
avenues and roads, bounding on and within the corporate
limits of the town.
of county