and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments, so as to read as follows :
16. All masters of foreign vessels and vessels from a foreign
port, and all vessels sailing under register bound to and from
Baltimore city, except vessels employed in and licensed for
the coasting trade, and American vessels laden either in whole
or in part with coke or coal mined in the United States, shall
take a licensed pilot or in case of refusal to take such pilot
shall themselves, their owners or consignees, pay the said pilot-
age as if one had been employed, and such pilotage shall be
paid to the pilot first speaking or offering his services as pilot
to such vessels before Cape Henry bears south, if inward
Wbat vessels
required to
pay pilot-
17. Vessels employed in and licensed for the coasting trade
shall be exempt from the duty of employing a pilot, and the
vessels, as well as their masters, owners, agents or consignees,
shall be exempt from the duty of paying pilotage, half pilot-
age, or any penalty whatsoever in case of their neglect or
refusal to do so; any American vessel laden either in whole or
in part with coke or coal mined in the United States shall be
exempt from the duty of taking a pilot, and the vessel, as well
as her master, owner, agent or consignee, shall be exempt from
the duty of paying pilotage, or half pilotage, or any penalty
whatsoever in case of his neglect or refusal so to do. But a
coastwise vessel or such American vessel, laden either in whole
or in part with coke or coal mined as aforesaid, voluntarily
taking a pilot, shall pay the same fee for pilotage as prescribed
in the case of a vessel bound to or from a foreign port.
What vessels
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all laws or parts of laws
inconsistent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 11th, 1896.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 2
and 7 of Chapter 252 of the Acts of 1894, entitled "an Ac
to incorporate the American Banking and Trust Company
of Baltimore City," increasing the number of directors of